

I have been drawing and painting for eight years. I graduated from the Elementary School of Art in the field of drawing and painting, completed professional drawing courses and the Painting Academy at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in the Czech Republic. Drawing is my main hobby, which I supplement with traveling, photography and diving. My great interest is nature and biology, which I also study.

I draw and paint pictures for my own pleasure and you can buy some of the pictures on my site.

I also offer a custom drawing based on your design.

In the Czech Republic, it is possible to order a drawing or a painting as well as mounting and framing according to agreement.


I have always been attracted to the artistic interpretation of someone's beauty. I prefer portraits of animals, which I admire for their beauty, perfection and variety of expressions.

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I am overwhelmed by the landscapes of all possible regions and moods. Landscapes can capture the atmosphere of a moment, which then dominates a person's mind.

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Nature is source of inspiration coming in all shapes, sizes and colours. Everything is in harmony. That is why painting nature is fun.

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Urban Paintings

The charm of architecture is in the detail and planning. It can be modern or traditional. Even an old wall can be worth a second look and can be inspiring.

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